Local businesses and producers in Pembrokeshire

find great products made in Pembrokeshire


Made in Pembrokeshire

Your guide to finding great local food, drink, craft and unique products across the county. Use our Pembrokeshire product directory to discover more about locally made products, food and drink in the local area.

the VISIT SHOP button takes you directly to the business listings independent website

Support local businesses and producers in Pembrokeshire

Discovering the unique flavors and crafts of Pembrokeshire is a great way to learn more about the culture and traditions of the region.

More About Pembrokeshire

Kent County Day is celebrated on May 26th

Pembrokeshire is one of the counties in South West Wales . Products listed in this local directory cover the wards of Pembrokeshire including the towns of Haverfordwest, Milford Haven, Narberth, Newport, Neyland, Pembroke, Pembroke Dock, St David’s (city status), Tenby.

Pembrokeshire county flower is the Thrift.

Shopping in Pembrokshire

4 great places to shop in Pembrokeshire


Lobster and Mor

Selling the very best in local craft and food producers, beautiful fishing village of Little Haven.


Pembrokeshire Candles

Visit the “Aladdin’s Cave” of candles packed with all shapes and sizes.


The Nook

Selling a range of lovely products made by local suppliers of high quality arts and crafts exclusively.


Window on Wales

Gift & Speciality Shop filled with a wide range of locally sourced gifts, pottery, nik naks, clothing and more.


Find your local farm shop – Support local business and producers and have freshly seasonal produce delivered to your door

Why Buy Local

Buying directly and eating seasonal produce,  is a great way to support local business. In addition to enjoying the best local and regional foods. From fresh artisan bread, locally reared meat, seasonal vegetables, cheese, to English wine and craft spirits.

Fresh Seasonal Local Produce

To buy the best local and seasonal produce visit your local farm shop, independent retailers, farmers’ markets or local farm. Many farm shops offer home delivery services as well.

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