Local businesses and producers in Durham

Find great products made in Durham


Made in Durham

Your guide to finding great local food, drink, craft and unique products across the county. Use our Durham product directory to discover more about locally made products, food and drink in the local area.

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Support local businesses and producers in Durham

Discovering the unique flavours and crafts of Durham is a great way to learn more about the culture and traditions of the region.

County Durham is famous for the Norman Cathederal in Durham City and the county includes both the rural North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the west to the east Durham heritage coastline.

The official county flower of Durham is Spring Gentian.

More About Durham

Durham County Day is celebrated on March 20th

Durham is one of the counties in the West Midlands.  Products listed in this local directory cover the districts of Durham.

The official county flower of Durham is Spring Gentian.

Local delicacies include Stotty Cake, a locally baked bread cake and
Durham Lunch Cake, a mixture of dried fruit and spices baked in a loaf tin.

Traditional sweets and puddings


4 great places to shop in Durham


Durham Dales Craft Centre

Lovely venue with a tearoom offering homemade meals, speciality coffees and teas, gift shops and speciality craft shops, gardens, visitor information.


Durham Craft Market

Buy local handmade arts and crafts made by artisans from Durham and the surrounding areas.


Gardiners Farm & Country Store

Clothing, Boots, Hardware, Accessories & providing everything needed for shooting, Farming, equestrian sports & a wide range of Country Pursuits.


Thorpe Farm Gift shop

Selling a wide range of exclusive and bespoke items from local suppliers and artists.


Find your local farm shop – Support local business and producers and have freshly seasonal produce delivered to your door

Why Buy Local

Buying directly and eating seasonal produce,  is a great way to support local business. In addition to enjoying the best local and regional foods. From fresh artisan bread, locally reared meat, seasonal vegetables, cheese, to English wine and craft spirits.

Fresh Seasonal Local Produce

To buy the best local and seasonal produce visit your local farm shop, independent retailers, farmers’ markets or local farm. Many farm shops offer home delivery services as well.

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