Local businesses and producers in Northumberland

Find great products made in Northumberland


Made in Northumberland

Your guide to finding great local food, drink, craft and unique products across the county. Use our Northumberland product directory to discover more about locally made products, food and drink in the local area.

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Support local businesses and producers in Northumberland

Discovering the unique flavors and crafts of Northumberland is a great way to learn more about the culture and traditions of the region.

Northumberland is the northern most county of England. The Shepherd or Border plaid is the official tartan of Northumberland county.

Official tartan of Northumberland is Border Plaid.

More About Northumberland

Northumberland County Day is celebrated on August 5th

Northumberland is one of the counties in the North East of England.  Products listed in this local directory cover the districts of Northumberland which includes Alnwick, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Blyth Valley, Castle Morpeth, Tynedale and Wansbeck.

The county flower of Northumberland is the Bloody crane’s-bill (Geranium sanguineum Native)


4 great places to shop in Northumberland


Grannies Tearoom and Delicatessen

An ‘Old Curiosity Shop’ style foodie heaven offering a wide range of delicious local produce in the deli, shop and tearoom. 


Otterburn Mill

A former textile mill and shopping destination famous for Otterburn textiles and tweeds. Pick up an original Otterburn rug and Otterburn Mill Pram Rug.


Kirkharle Courtyard

Local artists and artisans at work in their studios at beautiful Kirkharle Courtyard and purchase unique items directly from the artist themselves


Bradley Gardens

Bradley Gardens is an 18th century walled garden in the Tyne Valley. A place of tranquility and a unique shopping & food experience.


Find your local farm shop – Support local business and producers and have freshly seasonal produce delivered to your door

Why Buy Local

Buying directly and eating seasonal produce,  is a great way to support local business. In addition to enjoying the best local and regional foods. From fresh artisan bread, locally reared meat, seasonal vegetables, cheese, to English wine and craft spirits.

Fresh Seasonal Local Produce

To buy the best local and seasonal produce visit your local farm shop, independent retailers, farmers’ markets or local farm. Many farm shops offer home delivery services as well.

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