Local businesses and producers in East Yorkshire
Find great products made in East Yorkshire
Made in East Yorskhire
Your guide to finding great local food, drink, craft and unique products across the county. Use our East Yorkshire product directory to discover more about locally made products, food and drink in the local area.
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the VISIT SHOP button takes you directly to the business listings independent website
the VISIT SHOP button takes you directly to the business listings independent website
the VISIT SHOP button takes you directly to the business listings independent website
the VISIT SHOP button takes you directly to the business listings independent website
East Yorkshire is famous for
East Yorkshire is known for its historic landmarks, unique natural features, and record-breaking attractions that make it a distinctive part of the Yorkshire region.
More About East Yorkshire
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4 great places to shop in East Yorkshire
Castle Howard
Selling products from selected British suppliers, local manufacturers and producers.
Dinsdale Joke Shop
Famous traditional joke and trick shop in Hull, with everything you need for tricks, jokes and parties.
Georgian Quarter
Georgian Quarter in Beverley with a mix of independent shops and businesses.
The Fruit Market
Spend a day at the vibrant cultural quarter in Hull, with independent shops and boutiques.
Find your local farm shop – Support local business and producers and have freshly seasonal produce delivered to your door
Why Buy Local
Buying directly and eating seasonal produce, is a great way to support local business. In addition to enjoying the best local and regional foods. From fresh artisan bread, locally reared meat, seasonal vegetables, cheese, to English wine and craft spirits.
Fresh Seasonal Local Produce
To buy the best local and seasonal produce visit your local farm shop, independent retailers, farmers’ markets or local farm. Many farm shops offer home delivery services as well.