Local businesses and producers in Northamptonshire

Find great products made in Northamptonshire


Made in Northamptonshire

Your guide to finding great local food, drink, craft and unique products across the county. Use our Northamptonshire product directory to discover more about locally made products, food and drink in the local area.

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Support local businesses and producers in Northamptonshire

Discovering the unique flavors and crafts of Northamptonshire is a great way to learn more about the culture and traditions of the region.

Northamptonshire in the East Midlands is often referred to as the ‘Rose of the Shires’, home to market towns and picturesque villages. The county is historically famous for making boots and shoes.

Rose of the Shires

More About Northamptonshire

Northamptonshire is one of the counties in the East Midlands.  Products listed in this local directory cover the districts of Northamptonshire which include Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Kettering, Northampton, South Northamptonshire, Wellingborough.

Northamptonshire Cowslip (Primula veris Native)


Support Local Independent

4 great places to shop in Northamptonshire


Heart of the Shires

Heart of the Shires shopping Village, including lifestyle shops, clothes shops, gift shops, health shops and beauty shops and tea room.


Nene court

Lots of local independent shops all under one roof, in Wellingborough.


Montague Jeffery

For more than 119 years, Montague Jeffery has been synonymous with quality menswear and impeccable personal service.


Rural Shopping Yard

In picturesque village of Castle Ashby offering a unique combination of peaceful, easy rural shopping and stunning gardens.


Find your local farm shop – Support local business and producers and have freshly seasonal produce delivered to your door

Why Buy Local

Buying directly and eating seasonal produce,  is a great way to support local business. In addition to enjoying the best local and regional foods. From fresh artisan bread, locally reared meat, seasonal vegetables, cheese, to English wine and craft spirits.

Fresh Seasonal Local Produce

To buy the best local and seasonal produce visit your local farm shop, independent retailers, farmers’ markets or local farm. Many farm shops offer home delivery services as well.

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